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Key Criteria and Practices

The Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation is a non-profit resource for alpine industry professionals seeking orthopedic medical care.

Mission Statement

To financially assist alpine guides, patrollers, or instructors who require surgery in order to continue their careers.

Our Practices

The Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation provides an unbiased determination of a candidate’s eligibility for financial assistance. Evaluation of financial circumstance, professional memberships, career history, future career intentions, and injury treatment plan are primary factors in the assessment of eligibility. All arrangements will be determined on a per case basis to best provide for a successful outcome that allows for a limitless return to an alpine career.

Key Criteria

  • Career threatening injury (chronic or acute).
  • Documentation supporting career and/or career intent within the guiding, patrolling, or instructing organization.
  • Medical expenses related to injury would present a considerable financial hardship.

Featured Testimonial

"If something seems too good to be true, it usually is, well, this may be the one exception! From the moment I heard about the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation from The Steadman Clinic and all the way through to post surgery and rehabilitation I have received exceptional medical treatment. This included an excellent level of communication and accessibility from the Steadman Clinic staff. The Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation was always available and eager to answer questions and their attention to detail allowed for a speedy resolution. It ís hard to adequately express my gratitude for the incredible opportunity I was provided. I will always be grateful to the KBF for the generosity and support that I received."

- Kathy Prophet

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