
Please complete the following fields to request an application. Thank you for your interest in the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation.



    Phone Number

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    Injury Description

    Have you seen a physician regarding this injury?

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    Medical Insurance

    Do you have or anticipate future access to crowd funding or other fundraising platforms?

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    Featured Testimonial

    "I thought I was just going to have to suck it up and deal with the pain. But with Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation’s help that all changed. With the screws gone I no longer have nausea inducing vibrations that would run through my leg. With extensive, intensive therapy we were able to reduce scar tissue, reestablish mobility and stability and I now feel that I am a better athlete than I have ever been. The enjoyment of the rehab process coupled with everything I learned has inspired me to add physical training as a form of injury prevention and rehabilitation to my resume. "

    - Mikey Hovey

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